Our Blog V3

Author: Model Engines   Date Posted:16 August 2018 

Painting the Sydney Harbour Bridge....

Doesnt matter if your running a B2B or B2C ecommerce platform its like painting the harbour bridge......Never Finished & needs constant updating & maintenance.

Recently we have put a greater focus on cleaning up our categories (as below) & adding images/information etc.

As they say information is king!


Due to many modern POS systems & various 3rd party auction sites requiring barcodes to list products we have had many dealer requests for barcode number information.

We have added the barcode information to around 70% of our product range & now have these intergrated on our website

For those items already loaded these can be found under the specifications tab on the item, we are continuing to upload more barcode info on a regular basis for your reference.

Barcode # 7630015711030

Happy Selling!

The Team @ Model Engines.